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Our training plan is designed to help you improve your endurance, speed and strength to help you achieve your running and fitness goals. We have a different session each Tuesday to keep things interesting. Feel free to come and try us out for a couple of weeks for free to see if we are the club for you.

We want you to feel comfortable in a friendly environment with other runners who are at your level of fitness and ability. Each official group run includes a 'leader' and a 'sweeper' and has different speeds and distances to fit everyone's style and suitability.

Tuesday Training

On Tuesdays we run structured training sessions aimed at building strength, control over your running and increasing speed & fitness. These varied sessions include negative splits, handicap paired pursuit, interval training, fartlek training and hill reps. Training starts from Sherfield Park Community Centre at 7:00pm

Thursday Training

Thursday training changes with the clocks! During the warmer summer months where it is lighter, we choose a local starting point and go for a cross country jog. Everyone is welcome and we make sure no one is left behind. Distance is dependant on the amount of people who arrive and can be split in to pace groups. In the darker winter months, small groups take to the local pavements and roads to clock up valuable miles in the legs.  Training starts at an agreed point at an agreed time.

Please click here for our most recent training plan

On Saturdays many of the club head to the Basingstoke War Memorial Park to take part in the free weekly 5k parkrun starting at 9.00am. 

On Sundays there are usually a variety of ad-hoc runs organised by various club members catering for different abilities.


(All routes for official SPR Club organised runs are assessed to ensure they conform to the club guidelines for health, safety and insurance. Whereas, ad-hoc runs are not covered by the club insurance.)

Meet The Run Leaders

Jon Doe

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Jane Doe

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James Doe

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